Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another few
For TOK YU LING's benefit.. jang geun suk, 2 yoonas and 2 sungmins..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I think some nursery rhymes are focusing and teaching the wrong things:

5 little ducks went out one day
over the hills and far away
mother duck shouts quack quack quack quack
and only 4 little ducks came back

-the mother duck hecks the poor lost duckling ):
and nobody ever asks why or where it went!

Alex found a hedgehog in his backyard
I know how to count its 2. but thats not the point.
i want a hedgehog as pet too :)
richie needs a companion

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hallo blog :)

PW is officially over *cheers*
*pop champagne*
*cork hits YW*
*Wahpiang! dont scold f can anot -.- - YN*
*GrizzleY! - Fabian*
*Wahlau! mai cha la - Ethel*
*Diam la, ai de - CR*
*Kan bu dao shui zai shuo hua - YC*
*HAHAHAHA(laughs for nothing) - Debra*
*-_- - YL*


Anyway i went to sgforum just now, the marketplace actually, because i wanna get these necklaces

Someone please tell me where i can it in singapore ):

Anyway, one of the thread in the forum is: Should music be free?

then there was a really stupid reply. Am not going to spell out his name, but he does have a peabrain.

'music should be free! not unless you intend to sell it.

most of the artist shown in some crappy music channels only intend to milk our pockets and thats it! compare to people in ug scenes and indie who do shows for the love of it and donations do exist, yeah, and they use it just to cover all of the venue expenses or some will do it a better cause.

mtv heres a fat middle finger for you'

splitting up:
'music should be free! not unless you intend to sell it.'
-DUH, then buy? donate? provide direct provision?

'most of the artist shown in some crappy music channels only intend to milk our pockets and thats it!'
-Smart aleck, nobody asked him to purchase all the CDs in the world. He should be wise enough to judge for himself the good from the bad, and just make payments for those he prefers. One cd is only about 20+ bucks, and that milks his pockets? If so, he should be saving up for the three meals he probably lack every day.

Oh, does he know about freedom of choice? where he is entitled to NOT watch the channels and NOT buy the CDs?

'compare to people in ug scenes and indie who do shows for the love of it and donations do exist, yeah, and they use it just to cover all of the venue expenses or some will do it a better cause.'
-Yes, donations do exist, but donations to cover up for venue expenses? Is the guy nuts or living in limbo? which sane person will offer to donate like 100k to offer some artist to sing on stage in a theatre or a concert hall? Even if the same artist is to perform 24/7, the funds he received in a month will probably be insufficient to even cover up half an hour's rental fees of a concert hall.

also, love for music = getting donations? What if some prick who absolutely adores music is so untalented and tonedeaf that nobody is willing to donate anything?

'mtv heres a fat middle finger for you'
At least MTV's more successful.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Dramas often have these introductory songs at the start or something. I think that its kinda dumb sometimes, especially for the family drama serials. They often portray a full family at the end, with the happy couples. Viewers will then know that X will be with Y, while Y will not be with Z, even if currently, Y is with Z. See its already a spoiler.

Sometimes, when the drama is about marriages, it's worse. It shows the ending directly. All the marriages are laid out side by side, and the single lads and lasses will be sidelined.

It beats the purpose totally. And this is MOST frequent in singapore dramas. kinda pointless and stupid.

The Americans are smarter, most of the time there isnt even an intro song. they go straight to the airing, which isnt a waste of time or resources. Some songs may be nice, but it can be irritating.. and unless the dramas like really cool, nobody's gonna bother about the song.

At least do it the TXFB way, the song is so drama and the plot is simply perfect, with so much twists here and there. HK dramas FTW. Some of the Americans' too, like Supernatural :)

Sg dramas = TCMI

OP is driving me mad. ):

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I swear my family is breeding alcoholism.

I have drank wine soooooo many times this year.

No, I aint complaining, i like it :)

I think i need to change my blogskin, but im so lazy to find.

Most of the skins are so girlish.

I just watched the sickest video called '3 men 1 hammer'

its GROSS TTM TTM TTM X9999999999999999999999999

you have been warned to even see the preview pictures:

watch it here

good luck for the dardevils :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Many things happened recently, things that make me awe and things which make me wanna leave Singapore even more.

Emigration(dont read if you are P-A-T-R-I-O-T-I-C)
I have talked to my parents about emigration. If i dont get a place in local U, i am emigrating.. maybe to US, thailand, or aus to join relatives, or france to join alex :) or canada/wherever i have connections. Even if i do get in, i WILL leave AFTER my studies :)

Emigration is AFTER NS, because if i default NS, i gotta pay 70k, not like some talented music bastard who only paid 5k. and PR can take up to 5 years to attain, so its impossible to default for 5 years.

NS is kinda stupid actually, by engaging in wars, we are 'kay kiang'. Imagine 1000 battalions of ever ready SG soldiers engaging in a war with any country, one atomic bomb and we are GONE. theres no light at the end of the tunnel, theres no chance to fight back at all.

Who cares about how much training you have? you still die. we wasted our 2 years of training for nothing.

rebuttal? yeah, we shouldnt rely on mercenaries, and we have GREAT airforce, navy yadaa yadaa. BUTTTTT, if we are under siege, without ANY natural resources, how far can we go? yes, other countries smart enough can do that, freeze our assets. sure, somebody can go on about singapore having complex connections with this and that country, but at the end of the day, who would wanna support a country small as a dot and without anything to offer? when its at war, there wont be investments, hot money inflows etc etc etc.. :)

then we gotta reservice every year. cool shit. more life wasted. meh.

Then we talked about DRIVING. and i realised i cant get my driving license till im at least 21 because at 18, i have A levels, so its not advisable, due to long waiting time of BTT, FTT and the actual. then, followed by 2 years of shit training, before im free.

Talked to kyle some time back, he got his license at 16. hes in US. im SO envious.

maybe i shouldnt be, because currently, SG has OVERPOPULATION of vehicles. ohwell, we are a SMALL nation. and no point flaunting driving skills, you cant even drive more than 120mph.

thats singapore. thats why im emigrating. i wouldnt want my child to suffer the shit education system here either. meh.

Stupid Visual Checks @ Airports
I was on a bus going to the airport yesterday. there was this visual screening where one officer would come up the bus and briefly sweep across the bus, checking whether there are suspicious articles or people.

THIS IS SO DUMB. terrorists have brains too. they can wear casual clothings and hide whatever vicious bombs in pikachu bags too! they are not characterized by moustaches, scarves which veiled their face, dark glasses and tanned skin. meh.

prior to that, there should be like a metal detector instead, even though that isnt a guaranteed check either.

ALSO, the staff that does the checks are kinda half-hearted. the more hardworking ones would look at every seat, the lazier ones would just strut up and down the aisle like model-wannabes.
that kinda attitude would jeopardize us, but to contradict myself, i wouldnt blame them.

they probably have the same mindset: terrorists CAN disguise too. also, they gotta be bored.. how many damn buses do they have to check? repetitive work sucks, i know that!

just abolish the checks dammit, its a waste of time and resources.

Things that made me AWE
this: the carrotcake shop in ION actually used this 'pager' to inform their customers that their orders are ready.
This is how it looks when its sounding the alarm!

For anybody interested:

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Recently i think my lame cells spreaded too rampantly.
hat is how Yuling and I wasted 5 minutes of our lives on FB. Within that short 5 mins, we flooded many people's notifications :] it was definitely fun.

These are my snacks for an hour's self-study at home. :}

My (slanted D:) Eiffel Tower i built a while ago. Pretty magnificent eh.
Recent haze around my area. not too prominent, but still visible.

Then go on youtube and search for khai singapore comedy :]


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have just met the biggest hypocrite of my life.

Fuck you.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

well, today was GGGP paper. note, it's GG GP paper. geddit?

This is my room. its messy and just stuffy. Im gonna revamp the whole room during my dec holiday break. its mighty small and i absolutely loathe the windows. for now, im saving up. im on a budget. hopefully it will be a budget surplus instead of a deficit by the end of the year. the closets and tables gotta go definitely. it will be a good project :)

Photos: newest to oldest :)

I dedicate this post to ADLUCIA LIM ZHI YI. hey, its been a while now. hope its all cool still. sorry for the realllllllly late posting. but at least i did! Better late than never. I will always cherish the past memories we had, especially the camming sessions, DDRs and the beaches! and of course our favourite bananas and biscuits. The seemingly endless bickerings are great recollections too. I am actually really thankful for all your support during my lowest and most insane moments in the 4 years that we had spent together. I hope that we will remain really great friends even though we have parted ways, to our different future endeavours. We will hang out soon and often, again. <3 :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

i like this joke:

The story goes that there was this Asian lady married to an English gentleman and they lived in London. The poor lady was not very proficient in English, but managed to communicate with her husband.

The real problem arose whenever she had to shop for groceries. One day, she went to the butcher and wanted to buy pork legs. She didn’t know how to put forward her request, and in desperation, lifted up her skirt to show her thighs.

The butcher got the message and the lady went home with pork legs. The next day, she needed to get chicken breasts. Again, she didn’t know how to say, and so she unbuttoned her blouse to show the butcher her breast. The lady
got what she wanted.

The 3rd day, the poor lady needed to buy sausages. She brought her husband to the store…

(please scroll page down)

What were you thinking?

HellOOOooooooOOOooo, her husband speaks English!


Friday, September 04, 2009


My new best friend is called mimi.

she jumps and lives in my nose and will never leave,

at least for tonight

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Create Talents just asked me down for an interview for freelance modelling.

hm.. heard its pretty much scam but i might wanna see how it goes anyway :)

and no i wont pay

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I feel really happy today :)

sehr gluecklich sein!

see, yesterday i was out celebrating with the escape people.

we went to katong for karaoke.

my dad called me 12 times and sent a msg, in which i only reply at 11pm(my bad)

yeah i know i suck, but if u read what was below, u might somehow understand why im so fucked up.

my dad sent me a msg this afternoon just before i left the house.

this was a really special msg.

it read that he was disappointed in my response yesterday and that he thinks that our dad-son relationship seems to


he thinks that more should be done and he wishes to liase with me, so that we can improve on it together.

i was so proud of that msg, i didnt think that he would ever send something like that.

he started his message with 'my son, gerald, ...' too

its such a leap.

and we just had a good talk just now.

its not too indepth, but at least its a progress.

we might be going to sengkang swimming complex for fun this sunday :D

i cant wait.

oh, and steve made me really happy today too :)

im posting some pics probably tomorrow.

night people!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Its like less than 2months before promos, 36days to be exact.

im totally unprepared.

well i do wish i can leave this stressful life and live somewhere else.

i dont mind GERMANY(DUH), UK, Cyprus(ALEX, U NOE lOL) or anywhere else actually

except some ghetto place and places like china, india blahblahblah

i need a change of phone too, this phone sucks X999

i want to post some pictures actually, but i dont have much to post.


if i have the choice, i dont mind joining it.


werd werd werd!!!

oh yeah i think piercings anywhere else except the ears are pretty gross.

i shant go on elaborating.

and i think some people are trying to hard to impress.

its like they fucking have no life.

Friday, August 14, 2009

woah, its been at least 9347394867days since ive been here.
bin gut, ja alles klar

Ive made a very important choice recently, to drop a subject.
thats not very important, but i think its my greatest choice ever.
there are consequences and i might not hang out with the guys again, but ohwell,
life goes on.

im dignosed with temporary LBP
my lips and my face have been white frequently.
they are dragging me to HELL urgh, i dont wanna see the chinese medics!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Realised that i cant contain hatred for long, whatever happened seem long gone and forgotten, maybe its a good thing :D



Sunday, July 19, 2009

emo post, u are warned.

Shit happens, and today it did.

well first i spoilt my earphone, den my family had some fucked up issue.

well i was called spoilt(who spoilt me?), and non-self-reflective(right, sms not?)..

oh it all arose from something rather small, like the fucked up DELL PC which i intend to repair maybe 10-20mins later, or when they go out for dinner.

den i learnt that 'parents are not role models, neither are siblings' exist, since 'traditional' and 'shy' parents are not supposed to say sorry, but their children are supposed to.

den i lost all respect of somebody because she is unable to substantiate any of her points well, but instead, exercise her authority with a 'dont test my limit' when she was trying to 'reconcile'

did i mention that they were all enjoying their tv programs when they said they are worried?

anyway they have many weak points, especially about the memories thing. i dont have the best memory, but i was so disappointed that i have better memories of things i did well yet it was not ever taken into consideration.

speaking about taking the first step, what was their first step in engaging a decent conversation without snapping or just shutting the fuck up?

thanks for all your contributions tho, i wouldnt be this way if ud never taught me like u did. I love all my materials too, which is equivalent to ur love. appreciate it.

how i wish i was borned somewhere else, like america or the UK where by 18 i would have my own place.

then the not so emo part..
I feel mighty lucky i have muhd and lw.. they are my best pals, listening and cheering me up. i really dunno what i will do without them. despite them having their stuff to be busy with, they took the time to provide a listening ear and doing all they can, trying to help me tide over. i would not ask for anyone better than them. i wont give anything up for them really, never ever felt so touched before, and understood. THANKS GUYS, I KNOW U WILL READ THIS. or i hope u would. <3 dont give a damn if its mushy or gay :])

i wanna do some ionic eqm tut now,

Friday, July 10, 2009

81st post!
19 more to go, then it marks my first success towards my #4672979th blog tries.
I actually wanted to blog about something but i forgot what i wanted to blog about.
Apart from the fact that i had just taken MYE and didnt do as well as i hope for.
ohwell, shit happens.
Anyway i bought McFly's RadioACTIVE album, and man, i love it!
I wish i can lay my hands on Michelle Branch's albums ):
And i recently found out some nasty secrets

Monday, June 29, 2009

The most horrendous bus ride ever.

Today's bus ride has got to be the worst worst ride ever.. Firstly, the bus took like 15mins to arrive, then there was this cheena group of middle-aged people barging into the minicuous queue. yeah, respect and those bullshit for the elderly, they are not even old, but well, their attitude proved otherwise. the bus finally arrived, then i got to sit between 2 oversized people :X 1 of them reeked of some pungent cologne, which is seriously unbearable. the aroma got my head spinning, and caused me splitting headaches due to prolonged sniffing of undesirable smell. time is moving at a snail's pace.. Then, the wonderful thing happened, 1 ****** man came on board, sat in front of me and he had his own odour as well, the ****** one. so, a combination of heavenly smell to entertain my fragile nose. oh did i mention that the bus driver needs something at every terminal? he spent about 15mins stopping at every single terminal to crap or sthg. so in all, i spent about 45mins to reach home from the airport; half an hour spent trying to cover my nose with my hoodie, and no fidgeting.

dunno why blogger aint allowing me to upload pictures today ugh.
anyway maths today was a total failure.
toodles guys!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Dear blog,

Im coming here to wish u all the best, cuz i might leave u soon.

See, my MYE is coming.. In fact, its only 2 days away, and i think i will have to really mug my head

off. Although it is so rare to see me study, but i think i ought to try. Persistance and endurance,

those will keep me going. I'm so sorry u will not see me for 2 days, but its okie, id left u umpteen

times before, in preparation for these 2 days. We will meet again soon, someday, somewhere, here.

Kisses, hugs and whatever you want, except me,


Monday, June 22, 2009

Schools to re-open as scheduled despite H1N1 situation
By S Ramesh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 22 June 2009 1823 hrs

SINGAPORE: Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan has said schools will re-open and the Asian Youth Games and National Day celebrations will carry on.

However, recently-returned students who have travelled to affected countries will stay at home for one week before joining their classmates when schools re-open on Monday.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) will provide more details soon, added Mr Khaw.

The health minister was speaking at a news conference on Monday to give an update on the latest developments on the Influenza A(H1N1) situation.

Mr Khaw said that overall, life must continue as normally as possible, with targeted control measures.

One of them would be to close a school when a significant cluster is found so as to break the transmission, or to isolate a competing team from other athletes as was done with the Filipino and the Hong Kong football players.

Mr Khaw also revealed that the scientific committee, chaired by the Director of Medical Services, is effectively evaluating the characteristics and the genome of the virus.

The committee has determined that the H1N1 virus in Singapore remains identical with that in North America.

Hence, the consensus view was that the virus remains moderate-risk and Singaporeans need not panic over the development that there is now community spread in the country.

Mr Khaw is confident that almost all infected cases will be able to recover fully and that Tamiflu and Relenza remain effective against the disease.

He, however, added: "But I thought I should explain that moderate risk does not mean no death. Just like the seasonal flu, there will be some deaths. That's why we need to target the high-risk patients, especially those with underlying medical conditions and to render the best chance of a full recovery.

"And that is why we need to allow our hospitals to be able to focus on the high-risk cases and not be distracted or overwhelmed by hundreds of mild cases."

Among those in the high risk include pregnant mothers, people with asthma, those on kidney dialysis or on chemotherapy.

The Health Ministry intends to advise these groups of patients with direct mailers of what they can do to protect themselves.

The ministry is also gearing up all its polyclinics and a few hundred general practitioners to treat suspected H1N1 cases in Singapore.

Giving details of measures to tackle a wider community spread of the influenza, Mr Khaw explained that these will be called Pandemic Preparedness Clinics or PPCs and they can be recognised by their decal to handle walk-in suspect cases.

These clinics will only refer some categories of high-risk suspect patients to public hospitals. Mr Khaw said the Health Ministry will publicise to Singaporeans where these clinics are so they know where to seek advice.

He explained: "When the local bio-surveillance data confirms significant community spread and we need to move from containment to full mitigation, we will signal to the public to use these PPCs instead of going to the hospitals if their flu conditions are mild. And this may happen over the next few days."

The health minister also revealed that the government would secure adequate supplies of the H1N1 vaccine for the population.

Besides the existing supply contract with the vaccine manufacturer, Mr Khaw said the ministry is also in active negotiations with other vaccine manufacturers. The aim is to diversify the supply of H1N1 vaccines.

Concluding, Mr Khaw said that last week has been eventful in the development of the outbreak in Singapore and the ministry has expected this development, given the large number of travellers returning from their June holidays.

But he said seven-week head start in battling the virus has been extremely useful, allowing the government to gear up its system for the community spread phase of the outbreak.

His advice to Singaporeans is to carry on with their lives normally, but keep up the high standard of personal hygiene.

- CNA/ir


Irritating la, extend 1 week will die uh? stupid education system in singapore, just makes me even more determined to emigrate next time. the poll's pretty much useless too.. cant wait to leave this stupid place.

i wanna own a ranch somewhere, and enjoy a peaceful cut-out-from-the-world life for a while, before pursuing something. somewhere NOT in singapore :)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I was reading the Straits Times today and came across the maintenance fee issue.. feeling bored, i went on to do some research.

Men disadvantaged in SG?

first visit these websites..

Womans Charter Wedding Vows Groom:I take you to be my wedded wife, to pay all bills including yours for a high lifestyle you wish even if you earn more than me, to look after the children, be faithful to you even if you sleep around. You can keep your money, my house and divorce me anytime you like for any reason whatsoever and i cannot help it. Bride:I take you to be my wedded husband, and if you fail to meet your duties I'll divorce your ass faster than you can say "sorry" << >here
'thats why most say in marriage, guys dug a grave, girls brought an insurance plan, should anything go wrong, the guys bury themselves in and the girls get all the inheritance...' << here
'men's charter should state that men are not allowed to carry the woman's handbag it is a sorry sight, i cringe whenever i see a man carrying a handbag what more if it does not match his shoes' << here
Woman: We fight for our equal rights, we must treated the same as man!
Man: Then you must serve NS for 2 years too!

Woman: No! We can't! We are weaker vessel. We serve our 'NS' at home as housewife.


Discrimination in:

entrepreneurship? Its a market economy out there, if u r good, u'll survive. if ur business plan suxs, the venture will eventually collapse anyway. so far, i don't see the consumers frequenting a shop just because the shop owner is a man or a woman. just because a woman isn't up to it in business, it doesn't mean that she gets to have extra advantages over others in the market.

in the workplace? there are plenty of female bosses out there. companies look at look makes the most profits. they don't sacrifice profits to meer "gender preferences", since profits are the main reason for the the company's continuing existence.

education? there are currently a worldwide trend with more women studying in universities, as opposed to men.

pay? in singapore, males are paid slightly more, (not much anyway, only about $200 more), for doing NS. if females want to earn the same pay as males, they are free to serve their optional NS. no one is stopping them from doing that.

marriage? women generally are not interested in divorcees above 40 yrs old.

affairs? society now frown on extra-marital affairs by both men and women.

clothing? this is not like the middle east, when women have to conform to a strict dressing code. they have to be covered from head to toe. in singapore, if a woman is to go run about the neighbourhood in a bikini, she would at most attract catcalls from ppl. if a man is to run about his neighbourhood in a pair of trunks, he would most likely be sent to woodbridge.

sexual preference? gay homosexuality is illegal, while lesbian homosexuality is legal.

legal punishment: males can be awarded a maximum of 24 strokes of cane in one hearing. (that means that if he has multiple hearings, he may be awarded more than 24 strokes). for females, there's no caning. << here

Men disadvantaged in Women Charter
There have been spates of debates over that question in the recent years, yet nothing has been changed, amended or refined even though there were so many so-called reviews to the charter itself. I do agree that reviews should be made in accordance to our current societal situation, with many females holding high paying jobs(cant remember where, but I've read that 60% of the senior civil servants are female in Sg), and that perhaps 'Women Charter' should be changed to 'Family Charter' to equalise the gender discrimination.

Fyi, Women Charter was started in the 1960-1970s where bias against women is widely prevalent in Sg. It is not so relevant, in my opinion, in the current context, due to more females being educated and holding degrees etc, and earning higher incomes compared to their counterparts. (find your own damn statistics)

Women have always been wanting to vie for equality, so shouldnt the law requiring men to pay for the maintenance fee and alimony be changed to spouses instead? There was even a case of a wife who earned twice the salary of her husband, yet after divorce, the husband was required to give a petite maintenance fee of $1/- to her monthly. Isnt this obviously unfair? The wife has every capability to support herself, even better than the husband, yet she is entitled the fee.

The focus is not the magnitude of the fee, but the rationale in the less-capable husband providing the fee to the more-capable wife. Shouldnt it be the other way round, since feminists have always vouched for equality. In cases like these, its crystal clear that the women's charter is skewered to protect women, more than their interest and well-being.

'AWARE points out recent statistics, which show that in at least 100,000 households in Singapore, men are unable to fulfill their expected traditional roles and their wives have become the de facto head and sole provider for the family.' <- women often complained that their traditional roles of being housewives is definitely a form of stereotyping or prejudice, but what about this? men's traditional role to be breadwinner is the norm, even if their wives can earn more?

I do not really feel anymore inclined to discuss the issue.. just felt the need to express it.
Im reading this, which is really interesting. the dispute between mrsean and jojobeach is so intriguing

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

haha, i held his GF, the green jelly, captive inside a

U can view that pic on my dailybooth which is
somewhere located there(de link). I cant wait for tmr to end, since i only have


i think i will end before

I feel like eating
cuz im so damn
now. anyway all are from


Sunday, May 31, 2009

I think my life revolves around the word 'wait', and so does many others, including YOU.

I usually categorize wait into 3.. the temporary wait; the permanent wait; and the miscellaneous.

the temporary wait is something like anticipation, for instance, a birthday, your birthday. take that as an example, your birthday is coming in 5 days, ur adrenaline is pumping, you cant wait, but u still have to. its hobson's choice.. yadaa yadaa, 5 days past, ITS UR BIRTHDAY, but in a blink of an eye, its gone again.. poof, disappear, u gotta wait ANOTHER year for it.

then theres the permanent wait. its like age, when u cant wait to be 18, so that u can drink alcohol, watch m18, shag and whatsoever legally. and once ure 18, u will never be able to turn back the time. time doesnt come to a standstill, it proceeds on, but ure permanently 18, and u dont have to wait for it any longer. u can drink, shag, smoke all you want, theres no stopping u. its all upright; lawful!

then of cuz u have de frustrating everyday waits, like waiting for a damn bus, waiting for the skies to fall, waiting for someone to drop hints, waiting for the iron to warm up before you strike, waiting for lectures to end, waiting for someone to shut up, waiting for this and waiting for that.. and i think most of our waits are predominantly THIS kinda wait.

altho this post is kinda nonsense, cuz theres no stand or wadever, i think it makes perfect sense, and i just feel the urge to post this. i think i spend 2/3 of my life waiting.. even sleeping is a form of waiting, to wait for the dawn to break, to wait for a new day. see everything revolves around the word, or rather the action 'wait'..

so, never underestimate the word at all. patience is a virtue, how true, but can u be patient for 2/3 of ur life?

oh anw, i came across this article this morning, about a really gruesome death in UK, some guy named simon sthg, was poured in petrol(or petroleum, or wadever i cant rmb, i just rmb its OIL), forced to gurgle some of it as well, and set on fire, while being tied to a tree.

the worst part is that this all arose from a WOMAN. theres this complicated love triangle thing, and 2 guys got really jealous and decided to do that to intimidate the poor guy. hes only 17yo, and he has a dream to be some form of host or entertainer i think.. i really pity him. well, i cant believe humanity has evolved into this, where reality is crude and can be harsher.

jealousy and wrath are sins, and if combined, can be really fatal..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Matt Shirvington rocks :)

hes not the best but still.. hes good.

10s for 100m omg. thats my goal lols.

oh theres no school today, so here i am, just wasting my day away.

No boundaries is a reallllllly nice song,

at least the melody is worth complimenting lol.

adam lambert'S version is definitely APPALLING.

listen to it yourself and u will know what i mean.

Kris's version is similar to David cook's time of my life,

gentler and singable LOL.
I think that i have a rather 'thin-skinned' tongue,

it always got scraped and tends to hurt,

i hate it whenever it happens as i will lose my appetite thereafter.

its like ur tongue feels so dry and rough and yet u cant put a plaster over,

and whenever u try to 'lick' it or sthg, it hurts terribly.

anyway, i finally passed my first test this year, 16/25 for my maths :)

thats worth celebrating actually, since this sparks off some motivation to at least work harder

to get that pass for my other subjects.

this is kinda ironic actually, since passing was never an option.

also, someone dissed me off today, and its similar to sthg which happened recently.

SO, i dont get to run for colosseum AT ALL.

kindawasted my effort today actually, since my alleged plan was not to come school

since im SOOOOOOOO darn dog-tired.

i will post up some pictures soon as soon as YL send me those pictures.

i cant believe i was that naive to get tricked into sthg too.


oh, ive been drinking so much water recently that i often wake up needing to ans nature's call.

any help? dont ask me to drink less, its friggin hot!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009



anyway, recently ive been following Britain's got Talent 09,

especially Shaun Smith and Susan Boyle(go search for them).

rather amusing, but i didnt think they did as well as they did previously in the auditions.

sure enough, both got through to the finals.

its amazing how such a simple competition has got most of the world on their feet,

and i realised im not the only follower of the show, many singaporeans too.

on the other hand, imagine Sg idol, would the world even give a damn about us?

american idol has made such an uproar(obviously bcuz kris won instead of adam),

that it is even published in OUR newspapers.

i pity our country tho, and local stars.

its almost impossible to expand our careers worldwide,

hollywood dreams? forget it.

oh and i realised that i can have a rather deep conversation with nicholas.

kinda interesting how we can actually hold a conversation since 4 to about 6+

and our topics are definitely not the 'you watch porn? got gf anot?' kinda topic la.

i can grasp quite a fair bit of analytical skills from the way he described things.

and im feelin darn hot now,


Saturday, May 23, 2009

oh KRIS ALLEN won AI8,
yay.Next will be me on stage LOL
Unglamness post no2 :D
candidate 1: PEKCHUN, our cute lil model CG rep
and the classic
Candidate no2: YYY, the lamer. hello YYY, i know ure reading this. Congrats, ure on cam :D

Candidate no3: Neville, our wushu cap.

Thats all for today :D
tune in again soon for part 3

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I still think im so cute, yes?

yay :)