Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I think that i have a rather 'thin-skinned' tongue,

it always got scraped and tends to hurt,

i hate it whenever it happens as i will lose my appetite thereafter.

its like ur tongue feels so dry and rough and yet u cant put a plaster over,

and whenever u try to 'lick' it or sthg, it hurts terribly.

anyway, i finally passed my first test this year, 16/25 for my maths :)

thats worth celebrating actually, since this sparks off some motivation to at least work harder

to get that pass for my other subjects.

this is kinda ironic actually, since passing was never an option.

also, someone dissed me off today, and its similar to sthg which happened recently.

SO, i dont get to run for colosseum AT ALL.

kindawasted my effort today actually, since my alleged plan was not to come school

since im SOOOOOOOO darn dog-tired.

i will post up some pictures soon as soon as YL send me those pictures.

i cant believe i was that naive to get tricked into sthg too.


oh, ive been drinking so much water recently that i often wake up needing to ans nature's call.

any help? dont ask me to drink less, its friggin hot!