Sunday, May 31, 2009

I think my life revolves around the word 'wait', and so does many others, including YOU.

I usually categorize wait into 3.. the temporary wait; the permanent wait; and the miscellaneous.

the temporary wait is something like anticipation, for instance, a birthday, your birthday. take that as an example, your birthday is coming in 5 days, ur adrenaline is pumping, you cant wait, but u still have to. its hobson's choice.. yadaa yadaa, 5 days past, ITS UR BIRTHDAY, but in a blink of an eye, its gone again.. poof, disappear, u gotta wait ANOTHER year for it.

then theres the permanent wait. its like age, when u cant wait to be 18, so that u can drink alcohol, watch m18, shag and whatsoever legally. and once ure 18, u will never be able to turn back the time. time doesnt come to a standstill, it proceeds on, but ure permanently 18, and u dont have to wait for it any longer. u can drink, shag, smoke all you want, theres no stopping u. its all upright; lawful!

then of cuz u have de frustrating everyday waits, like waiting for a damn bus, waiting for the skies to fall, waiting for someone to drop hints, waiting for the iron to warm up before you strike, waiting for lectures to end, waiting for someone to shut up, waiting for this and waiting for that.. and i think most of our waits are predominantly THIS kinda wait.

altho this post is kinda nonsense, cuz theres no stand or wadever, i think it makes perfect sense, and i just feel the urge to post this. i think i spend 2/3 of my life waiting.. even sleeping is a form of waiting, to wait for the dawn to break, to wait for a new day. see everything revolves around the word, or rather the action 'wait'..

so, never underestimate the word at all. patience is a virtue, how true, but can u be patient for 2/3 of ur life?

oh anw, i came across this article this morning, about a really gruesome death in UK, some guy named simon sthg, was poured in petrol(or petroleum, or wadever i cant rmb, i just rmb its OIL), forced to gurgle some of it as well, and set on fire, while being tied to a tree.

the worst part is that this all arose from a WOMAN. theres this complicated love triangle thing, and 2 guys got really jealous and decided to do that to intimidate the poor guy. hes only 17yo, and he has a dream to be some form of host or entertainer i think.. i really pity him. well, i cant believe humanity has evolved into this, where reality is crude and can be harsher.

jealousy and wrath are sins, and if combined, can be really fatal..