Sunday, October 11, 2009

Many things happened recently, things that make me awe and things which make me wanna leave Singapore even more.

Emigration(dont read if you are P-A-T-R-I-O-T-I-C)
I have talked to my parents about emigration. If i dont get a place in local U, i am emigrating.. maybe to US, thailand, or aus to join relatives, or france to join alex :) or canada/wherever i have connections. Even if i do get in, i WILL leave AFTER my studies :)

Emigration is AFTER NS, because if i default NS, i gotta pay 70k, not like some talented music bastard who only paid 5k. and PR can take up to 5 years to attain, so its impossible to default for 5 years.

NS is kinda stupid actually, by engaging in wars, we are 'kay kiang'. Imagine 1000 battalions of ever ready SG soldiers engaging in a war with any country, one atomic bomb and we are GONE. theres no light at the end of the tunnel, theres no chance to fight back at all.

Who cares about how much training you have? you still die. we wasted our 2 years of training for nothing.

rebuttal? yeah, we shouldnt rely on mercenaries, and we have GREAT airforce, navy yadaa yadaa. BUTTTTT, if we are under siege, without ANY natural resources, how far can we go? yes, other countries smart enough can do that, freeze our assets. sure, somebody can go on about singapore having complex connections with this and that country, but at the end of the day, who would wanna support a country small as a dot and without anything to offer? when its at war, there wont be investments, hot money inflows etc etc etc.. :)

then we gotta reservice every year. cool shit. more life wasted. meh.

Then we talked about DRIVING. and i realised i cant get my driving license till im at least 21 because at 18, i have A levels, so its not advisable, due to long waiting time of BTT, FTT and the actual. then, followed by 2 years of shit training, before im free.

Talked to kyle some time back, he got his license at 16. hes in US. im SO envious.

maybe i shouldnt be, because currently, SG has OVERPOPULATION of vehicles. ohwell, we are a SMALL nation. and no point flaunting driving skills, you cant even drive more than 120mph.

thats singapore. thats why im emigrating. i wouldnt want my child to suffer the shit education system here either. meh.

Stupid Visual Checks @ Airports
I was on a bus going to the airport yesterday. there was this visual screening where one officer would come up the bus and briefly sweep across the bus, checking whether there are suspicious articles or people.

THIS IS SO DUMB. terrorists have brains too. they can wear casual clothings and hide whatever vicious bombs in pikachu bags too! they are not characterized by moustaches, scarves which veiled their face, dark glasses and tanned skin. meh.

prior to that, there should be like a metal detector instead, even though that isnt a guaranteed check either.

ALSO, the staff that does the checks are kinda half-hearted. the more hardworking ones would look at every seat, the lazier ones would just strut up and down the aisle like model-wannabes.
that kinda attitude would jeopardize us, but to contradict myself, i wouldnt blame them.

they probably have the same mindset: terrorists CAN disguise too. also, they gotta be bored.. how many damn buses do they have to check? repetitive work sucks, i know that!

just abolish the checks dammit, its a waste of time and resources.

Things that made me AWE
this: the carrotcake shop in ION actually used this 'pager' to inform their customers that their orders are ready.
This is how it looks when its sounding the alarm!

For anybody interested: