Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hallo blog :)

PW is officially over *cheers*
*pop champagne*
*cork hits YW*
*Wahpiang! dont scold f can anot -.- - YN*
*GrizzleY! - Fabian*
*Wahlau! mai cha la - Ethel*
*Diam la, ai de - CR*
*Kan bu dao shui zai shuo hua - YC*
*HAHAHAHA(laughs for nothing) - Debra*
*-_- - YL*


Anyway i went to sgforum just now, the marketplace actually, because i wanna get these necklaces

Someone please tell me where i can it in singapore ):

Anyway, one of the thread in the forum is: Should music be free?

then there was a really stupid reply. Am not going to spell out his name, but he does have a peabrain.

'music should be free! not unless you intend to sell it.

most of the artist shown in some crappy music channels only intend to milk our pockets and thats it! compare to people in ug scenes and indie who do shows for the love of it and donations do exist, yeah, and they use it just to cover all of the venue expenses or some will do it a better cause.

mtv heres a fat middle finger for you'

splitting up:
'music should be free! not unless you intend to sell it.'
-DUH, then buy? donate? provide direct provision?

'most of the artist shown in some crappy music channels only intend to milk our pockets and thats it!'
-Smart aleck, nobody asked him to purchase all the CDs in the world. He should be wise enough to judge for himself the good from the bad, and just make payments for those he prefers. One cd is only about 20+ bucks, and that milks his pockets? If so, he should be saving up for the three meals he probably lack every day.

Oh, does he know about freedom of choice? where he is entitled to NOT watch the channels and NOT buy the CDs?

'compare to people in ug scenes and indie who do shows for the love of it and donations do exist, yeah, and they use it just to cover all of the venue expenses or some will do it a better cause.'
-Yes, donations do exist, but donations to cover up for venue expenses? Is the guy nuts or living in limbo? which sane person will offer to donate like 100k to offer some artist to sing on stage in a theatre or a concert hall? Even if the same artist is to perform 24/7, the funds he received in a month will probably be insufficient to even cover up half an hour's rental fees of a concert hall.

also, love for music = getting donations? What if some prick who absolutely adores music is so untalented and tonedeaf that nobody is willing to donate anything?

'mtv heres a fat middle finger for you'
At least MTV's more successful.