Thursday, April 09, 2009

omg, tomorrow's good friday, yeah a break, finally :D

havent blogged in a while, so heres a great chance.

ive decided to remove the tagboard, theres not much to comment on my blog anyway, anybody can just tell me anything anytime thru sms or msn. well, actually the blog is pretty much stagnant, and basically my tagboard is kinda useless hurhur

ive failed all my tests so far, 5 of them! bummer. school aint great, im so exhausted by the daily lack-of-sleep.

ive decide to update de blog more often, its becoming a friend haha, and i bet i can post more personal stuff from now on, since its not so popular :)

anyway i feel that video blogging is kinda fun, as well as photo taking. this is an inspiration from littleradge from youtube. go view his videos. i might try it out once i get a decent laptop.

i like taking retarded photos, it makes my day, provided they look nice enough to be uploaded heh.

also, i find power 98 a better station to listen to than 98.7 now, there are more variety of songs, than de same few new songs replayed over and over everyday. i will miss the muttons' jokes tho, but well ive learnt something called choice today. and my opportunity cost would be the laughter from listenin to the jokes.

im turning into a geek, and i like it.

alright, i will just leave it till here for today. will probably blog tomorrow or sthg, when i feel like it.

aww, i simply miss this expression.