Thursday, April 30, 2009

damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it
hardwork dont reap results, just like
kindness dont beget kindness.

ugh dont feel like talking about that, makes me fking sick.
i LOVE fridays, which is tmr.
i LOVE the nights,
im a nocturnal animal.

Im going to sleep now,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Guten Tag! Today i will post a moderately long post as today was such an eventful day :)

Starting from the morning.

I got to my stop at about 7am, as usual, but it was pouring.

No bus came till about 7.10, the first bus that came was 3, which i boarded.

the horrendous part, i reached school at about 8am cuz the bus was stuck at the extremeee

congested narrow road between loyang point leading to greenview sec and pasir ris pri.

When i left that place it was like 7.35am! my only consolation was there was another meridian on

the bus, and she was composed haha.

to make things worse, out of abt 50traffic lights, at least 45 were red. great way to start a day.

lucky shit, the previous bus3 was also caught in a massive jam and there was a mass of students

crowding outside the GO waiting to get that tongue-lashing. I blended in and counted myself

lucky as the discipline comm only scanned my card and let the matter go, simply cuz there were

tooooo many students late and most are first-timers, thus its not a deliberate attempt. :) lucky

me, heh.

then it was lessons, yadaa yadaa.

PE, woosh, we were spposed to jump across this mark set upon the floor for SBJ, many failed. I

tripped but still managed to jump over, heh. thats not boasting, its like hilarious, chongrui was

like 'Imba shit!' Then it was the usual runs blahblahblah..

After PE + some time, it was time for the MIRANDA TRACK TRIALS. I was thinking of

screwing it up cuz im rather exhausted from the lack of slp and PE. I got 2nd for 200m sprint

and knocked into a guy, my bad, as i ran the wrong lane and we collided, and so i got really

disorientated, but i finished within 26seconds anyway haha. Yuning, CR, Fab, Kimbo and Ethel

did well in their events too, 400m, 400m, 800m, 400m, 400m respectively. YN was damn

power, 1m16secs!! next was dodgeball, our class was kinda good, tho very amateurish, and we

allegedly were SPPOSED to play at colosseum, but this other J2 grp was sore and wanted a

rematch cuz they insisted that we cheated, and so we just complied, and lost. Cmmon, its just a

game, dont have to get so worked up, and have some sportsmanship man, its not a life and death
situation! have to admit it was kinda fun, and omg, i did a triple kill once, thats such an

attainment :D

next was my 100m, which made me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn proud. I was

first for 100m, and got the fastest timing so far, 12.02s. the 2 J2s who ran with me were great

too and 1 of them was like 'omg hes damn fast, he has realllly long legs la'

that almost made me LOL. I think im competing in the 100m and 4x100m in colosseum :)

anyway, i rmbed that when i was in primary sch, one of my dreams was to run in track, but

apparently my legs were short then, so i always got PWNED. so, this seems to be a compensation
kinda time, tho nobody owes me anything. haha

Went for dinner after that, and walked to the usual busstop. I checked the bus stop list to

ascertain if i can take 358 or 359(fyi, i still dont know which, 358 or 359, goes to my house, even

tho ive lived here for closed to a decade now) I was pretty sure 358 was the right bus so when it

came, i ran up the bus cuz i was so busy packin this and that. THEN, the bus took a wrong turn

and left me paranoid.. Then i realised i boarded the WRONG bus lol. ugh, wasted my time..

But, i seriously dunno how i boarded the wrong bus. i have taken the same bus about twice alr,

but.. sigh. ohwell

thats about all thats happend today :)

thanks for reading, whoever u are!


p.s DONT ever take 3 about 7am in the morning, esp when ure running late and it's raining cows and chickens.

Monday, April 20, 2009

oMg, mein sechzig post!
translated: my 60th post!

im just feelin a lil delighted cuz i just woke up,
ive slpt since 6 :D
must do phy.
I bought this just now and it tasted AWESOME:)
but mines on a flatbread.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Ö this is post no. 59.

According to the Geraldwich Mean Time, in another 13mins 54seconds, somebody is gonna be

experiencing the weirdest feeling of a more matured mind, some tingling sensation on the toes

and fingers, and a surge of adrenaline, pumping; circulating. And now, she will be anticipating for

that wondrous moment in time, where further wisdom and maturity will bestow upon her, and a

whole new exciting journey of her life begins.

And for that, i wish her,


Ive been a real lamer lately omg.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

this is post no.58, omg, long long way to go before i reach a hundred.

i cant believe thurs is finally over, school that is.

thurs is like the worst day of the week, when u had to get thru all the lectures and shit aft smelling

like some crap, and feeling all clammy.

at least this week's thurs is over ohyeah.

anyway ive just read a news bout a girl who had sex with a 19yo guy when she was only 10.

shes currently 12 now, and they'd been an item for awhile.

that guy IS a father now.

i find this rather intriguing, yet unbelievable.

sex is like so natural now that the notion of having sex seems to be inborne in every everybody

and will reveal itself even before an adolescent reach puberty.

i also find it kinda gross, that the guy seems pedophilia.

i think kids 13 or below is untouchable, they are not even half mature yet, physiologically.

enough of that, i cant stand the weather here ugh, its friggin hot

anyway i just realised its 5 days past the blog's first anniversary LMAO.

its not love, but wth, :)

its cute and i like it.

bis bald!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


so, ive officially started my dailybooth account :)

thts something great,

im gonna take 1 picture every single day.

its a feat, and i can accomplish it :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

I swear that i will smash this computer if i get the chance, especially when i get my laptop, which is

in 4375630947569million zeons later. it sucks really, and i think 80% of my stress(if any) comes

from trying to fix this computer and enduring its lagggggs.

when i get my laptop, im gonna be a real couch potato and use the comp on my bed the whole

day so that i dont have to sit on this backless unleanable chair.

anyway im trying out a workout regime, to get a bigger physique wahaha.

i wanna be more muscular and less scrawny, and i definitely need more sleep cuz muscles form

when ure asleep :)

i kinda dislike my current lifestyle, esp when i cant slp well and suffer from irregular sleep

patterns and insomnia alike.

anyway i havent started my dailybooth simply cuz im lazy to install my webcam and space

constraints in the computer. ohwell.

anyway i find eyes are one of the most appealing features of a person. a nice pair of eyes speaks

more than a thousand words, consider eye-talking, would be cool. i wont mind staring at

someone special to communicate heh.

also, lemon is a good remedy for acne. use it.

Mr Happy, only 3.95! omg, worthwhile!
And i tried to do a retarded face, indeed its quite retarded hurhur


Saturday, April 11, 2009

i tried making some lemonade with the lemons i bought,
turned out to be pulpy, sour and kinda eww.
i didnt add enough honey and sugar, and the colour was not very appealing either

i found a new website called dailybooth, i intend to try it aft i get a cam.
its like a site encouragin daily photo taking heh.
not that its camwhoring, but its just a day-to-day momento

i got a mr happy toy and a 98degrees CD, yay.

liverpool thrashed blackburn just now, while i was munchin away at some western food.
didnt get a view at the TV and had to move every now and then to the big plasma TV to see the score.
plan to see the highlights :)

Lauri Dalle Valle is my new favourite Lpool player. i like his goals, woah.

sigh, kein laptop :(
ich brauch ein laptop.

signin off, tschuess!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

omg, tomorrow's good friday, yeah a break, finally :D

havent blogged in a while, so heres a great chance.

ive decided to remove the tagboard, theres not much to comment on my blog anyway, anybody can just tell me anything anytime thru sms or msn. well, actually the blog is pretty much stagnant, and basically my tagboard is kinda useless hurhur

ive failed all my tests so far, 5 of them! bummer. school aint great, im so exhausted by the daily lack-of-sleep.

ive decide to update de blog more often, its becoming a friend haha, and i bet i can post more personal stuff from now on, since its not so popular :)

anyway i feel that video blogging is kinda fun, as well as photo taking. this is an inspiration from littleradge from youtube. go view his videos. i might try it out once i get a decent laptop.

i like taking retarded photos, it makes my day, provided they look nice enough to be uploaded heh.

also, i find power 98 a better station to listen to than 98.7 now, there are more variety of songs, than de same few new songs replayed over and over everyday. i will miss the muttons' jokes tho, but well ive learnt something called choice today. and my opportunity cost would be the laughter from listenin to the jokes.

im turning into a geek, and i like it.

alright, i will just leave it till here for today. will probably blog tomorrow or sthg, when i feel like it.

aww, i simply miss this expression.