Wednesday, July 09, 2008

i think Dave Teo's sentence of 9.5 years and 18strokes of cane is too severe. In case u dont have already heard of it, here's the news. here too. the worst thing is after he's out of jail, he is to be tried in a military court too.

btw, he suffered a really pathetic life: his mum abused him: hurled chairs and caned him for no particular reason and finally abandoned him while he was 9; dad was a frequent visitor to jail; was a dropout by sec3; had a brother who died after meeting with a mishap on the road when he was 14; broke up with his dearest girlfriend after 3 years of courtship & sank into depression; had a grandma which died due to liver cancer just the previous year..

yes, an assault rifle is life-threatening, by the time something happen, it will be too late. he deserves punishment for that, but 18 strokes of cane + 9.5years in jail, isnt that too severe? despite his really tough life? i think he ought to be sent for counselling instead, his problem doesnt lie in him being deliberately foolish, but was due to the series of unfortunate events that had befallen him that traumatized him. it's all in his mindset; mentality. it's a pity really.

though it isn't the time to point fingers, i feel that the parents should be partially responsible for this. I feel that the girlfriend shouldnt be blamed cuz breakups are inevitable. if all breakups lead to similar cases, wont there be riots all around the world everyday? On the other hand, parents should be responsible for their children's well-being, after all, they are the ones who bring their child into this world. I seriously sympathize and empathize Dave, nobody should be given such a hard life. nobody.

it just comes with a conclusion huh, 'life ain't fair' we should all be delighted that we're blessed with such good lives.

to other emo people:
bad results, breakups, emo business, whatever minor problem you have, stop flaunting it and being a stuckup and pretending your life sucks. get a life man. people are having a harder time out there.

'Never appreciated what we had. They don't have, half the things that we know have. I've been there, turns out we kinda had it alright. The grass is no greener on the other side.'