Monday, February 09, 2009

shall not use any deutsch as requested lol.
i realised that many other people have close to a thousand posts, or maybe few hundredS.
this is only my 50th post, lol.
considering the number of months ive opened this blog.

aite, gotta start off with my last day of orientation.
short and sweet.
i love miranda, serious (:
first had some group games, where we got downright wet and dirty.
blew some fuckin flour into my eyes cuz i forgotten to close ma eyes.
roflmao. and my whole face too.
got really muddy and dirty but went fabian's house to shower aft heh.
hottt water muahaha
had great meridian siege and i broke one of the evil king's thing
woo, i helped miranda earned that 500 points.
miranda also earned anotha 100 pts for settling down de fastest lol,
but nobody seemed to know that till 34986723947029mins later.
kinda tard haha.
prepared for finale after that, and got noticed for my dance.
compliments compliments.. bashful hahah
still.. we screwed up de dance cause we didnt grasp de timing.
de solo was awful lol.
but rawr, anything goes
miranda was 1st runner up overall.
we were cheering like some fktards and got our throats all coarse
den de mass dance was like whooooosh.
my partner for couple dance was so really high on drugs hahaha
and both of us got really gaga
somehow pitied de residents haha,
we must be realllllly noisy.

today was day1 of study.
went to school in really baggy pants lol
thanks to procrastination.
became better friends with my classmates, 09S107.
mainly cause of the hugeee intervals b/w lessons where we lepak-ed and chiong chem.
miracles happen, i guess.
wanna send my pants for alterations, den jackson told me his mom could help me do it.
cheaper, and collection on de same day.
whee :D
so had it done.

i got heaps of shit to complete man,
rawr xoxoxox

anyway did i mention how short my hair is now?
im next to botah hahahahahahahahha.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Guten Tag, fans!
ich bin ein Meridian, jetzt Temasekian nix. :D
Hello fans,
i am now a Meridian, no longer a Temasekian.
MJC is nice, really, period.
VERY enthu and people are really nice.
i like de mass dances haha.
initially was a tad disappointed cuz no one's in my class,
ended up making many friends, with no discriminations.
nobody spoke to me in chinese even if i tried to(some said i sounded weird speakin chinese)
lol. yay.
im in MIRANDA(H?) 4, the BLACK house group, with a black horse as symbol.
my hair was caught for colouring twice cuz i cut de hair and de bottom half is black.
NOBODY realised it wasnt light brown, but a darker shade.
i love de bimbo cheer. lol.
orientation was so cool compared to wad id xperienced so far.
i like my class(:
someone else was being a twat tho.. alwaes got me irritated
shall do some quiz cuz havent updated in a while (:
gay is too common a word, changed my fave to cunt

Name: GeraldCE
Birthday: 5th Jan 92
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: Close to 1.8?
Right Handed or Left Handed?: Right
Your Heritage: Check de profile lol
My Worst Habit(s): Biting nails, tad vain, cant stop fidgeting, and simply cant stop destroying furniture in de house ROFLMAO
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Shoe Size: UK8-9
Pant Size: 30-31! OMFG
Parents Still Together?: Duh
Shoes You Wore Today?: Everlast

Your Weakness: too untrusting
Your Fears: murderer behind a door
Your Perfect Pizza: Hawaiian, but spicy a lil
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To have a gf.. haha.
Your Most Overused Phrase In Instant Messenger: weiß nix.
Your Best Physical Feature: My EYES
Your Bedtime: 12 usually
Your Most Missed Memory: When i was a lil kid

Colours?: BLUE, green
Food? : I eat everything!
Animal? : Dogs, Kangaroos
Ice Cream? : Triple CHOCOLATE, lime sorbet (:
Candy? : Gummies!
Store? : wadever guys clothing stores
Salad Dressing? : nyeh
Actor? : Adam Sandler
Actress? : Jennifer Aniston
Songs? : Changes everytime lol
Letter? : G
Number? : 8(GERRARD, whoo)
Holiday? : i love ALL holidays
Season? : summer and winter
Toothpaste Flavour?: lime mint
Radio Station? : 98.7
Perfume? : dont use them
Scent Besides Perfume?: strawberry gummies
Body Part On The Opposite Sex? : eyes

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? : musician, pilot
How Do You Want To Die? : in my sleep

Let’s walk on the: beach!
What a nice: view.
Where did all the: geese go?
Why can’t we: stay together
Silly, little: goose
Isn’t it weird that: im gay? lmao
Never Under Any Circumstance: would i smoke
I wish: i have many many many many wishes :D
Everyone has their: weaknesses
I am: a boy

Been In love? : uh not really
Mooned Someone? : almost once lol
Been Rejected? : yea sure
Ran Away from home? : thot abt it once
Picture your crush naked? : nyeh, i dont like them for their body
Skipped School? : YES
Thought about Suicide?: nyeh
Slept Outside? : yer
Laughed so hard you cried: yer
Cried in school? : yer
Thrown up in school? : nyeh
Wanted to be a model? : YER lol
Cheated on someone? : almost did :X
Done Something Really stupid that you still laugh at it today?: yer, who doesnt
Seen a dead body?: on TV
Been Bitched Out? : yer
Drank Alcohol? : YER, almost had a hangover prev
Smoked: nyeh
Been on drugs?: nyeh
Eaten Sushi?: yer
Been on Stage? : yer
Gone Skinny Dipping? : yer
Shoplifted? : yer, but didnt realised it till later, considered?
Been Drunk? : yer
Been called a Tease? : yer lol
Been beaten up? : birthday bashes, yer

Swear? : i swear at my comp all de time ROFLMAO
Sing Well? : some said yes, some said no
Shower Daily? twice or more a day
Want to go to College? : yer
Want to get married? : yer duh
Believe in yourself? : yer
Get motion sickness? : not really
Think You’re Attractive? : somewhat
Get along with your parents? : yer
Like thunderstorms? : when im at home
Play an instrument? : piano, electone, guitar, recorder, harmonica, TRIANGLE haha
Own an iPod? : IPOD VIDEO WHOO
Pray: nyeh
Go to Church? : nyeh
Sleep with a Stuffed Animal? : my flat dog and my octi
Keep a Diary/ Journal? : only this blog
Dance in the Rain? : yer
Sing in the shower? : always

Pepsi or Coke? : coke
McDonald’s or BK? : Burger Kings.
Single or Group Dates? : Single
Chocolate or Vanilla? : CHOCOLATE
Strawberries or Blueberries? : Strawberries
Meat or Veggie? : MEAT
TV or Movie? : moviessssxzxzxz
Guitar or Drums? : Drums
Adidas or Nike? : Adidas
Chinese or Mexican? : maxican, de tortillas
Cheerios or Corn Flakes? : cheerios.
Cake or Pie? : CAKE
MTV or VH1? : MTV
Blind or Deaf? : Deaf
Boxers or Briefs? : BOXER BRIEFS.

Do the splits: yer
Write with both hands: yer, just ugly on left
Whistle: yer
Blow a bubble: yer
Roll your tounge in a circle : yer
Cross your eyes : yer, need my hand first though
Walk with your toes curled : yer
Touch your tongue to touch your nose: nyeh
Dance: yer
Eat whatever you want and not worry: all de time lol

You touched: weiß nix lol
You Talked to on the phone: Siti Khai
You Instant Messaged: forgot
You Hugged: forgot too lol
You yelled at: my mama :X
You played a sport with: ALL my classmates

Time you laughed: today
Time you cried: vergass lol
Movie you watched: Evan Almighty on HBO, days ago
Flavour of Gum you chewed: vergass
Joke you told : today
Song you sung: a min ago

Life on other planets: yer
Magic: nyeh
Love at first sight: nyeh, only affection and lust
God: nyeh
Satan: nyeh
Ghosts: nyeh
Santa: used to
Evolution: used to

Fav eye colour: doesnt matter
Fav hair colour: doesnt matter
Short or long hair : DEF LONG
Height: shorter than me
Weight: as long as shes slim enough

1. Who's the person that tagged you?
- Ahmed Khalil Khan

2. Relationship between you and him?

3. Three impressions of him?
- noisy, playful, unrestrainable

4. If he becomes your enemy, you will?
- ignore

5. What will you say to the person you like very much?
- i like you lol

6. Characteristic I like about myself?
- compassionate

7. Characteristic I hate about myself?
- very untrusting

8. For the person whom you hate, you say?
- i wont bother talking to him

9. What do people feel about you?
- friendly

10. Your crush? - none at de moment

11. 10 people:

1. AKK
2. Muhd
3. LW
4. Jane
5. Siti
6. Justin
7. Kelvin
8. Jiaen
9. Zoa
10. Lynn

12. If 5 and 7 were together?

13. Who does 5 like?
- think nobody at de moment

14. What colur does 9 like?
- PINK? shes so girly girl type

15. Say something bout 8?
- my china trip friend, who still bothers me about some subway cookies lol.

16. Who is 2?
- one of my closest friend ever

17. Talk about 3.
- Liangwei is de crappiest person ive ever met, but a really good friend

18. Who is 10's best friend?
- no9

19. Who's the sexiest among all 10?
- im sexier than all of em

20. What colour does 4 like?
- green?

21. Is 4 single?

22. Your relationship with 1?
- my gay partner

23. Are 5 and 6 best friend?
- nyeh

24. 9's surname?
- CHAN bimbo

25. 7's nickname?
- Jiaobin, vin

26. Say something to 8.

27. Say something to help 9.
- nth to say, shes beyond help lol

28. Who do I admire?
- each of them has sthg i admire

29. Where does 1 live?
- PASIR ris

30. 10 of them know who you like?
- nyeh, dont even have any

31. Say something to 6 when you see him.
- yo cunt

32. 10's spouse?
- David Archuleta