Friday, November 28, 2008

ohh not bad, ms-somebody DID see the post.
i dont care if im being unreasonable, well, i became like this because of SOMEONE anyway.

heh, well, right, u have chosen a date, even üü didnt know about it, she cant even make it on thurs (:
nice transmission. nice comfirmation.

well, WAS gonna plan something, but i dont see the point.
tell me what's the point?
with all that kinda shit, i think im wasting my effort.
oh, and must i drag people to come along too?
in case the presents or feeling of SURPRISE is insufficient?

right, just cancel the damn 'celebration', u dont need to give ANY excuses.
a smart person would just change the date, im sure u dont have to accompany her 24/7 day in day out. since u just said, 'nvm loh, cancel loh' without even justifying why and not bothering to change a date when O's are over and everybody is SO free(except me, but i can accomodate), i can safely assume that u were the want who did not want the celebration and outing, not us. so no bollocks that I dont wanna celebrate urs. reflect pls

not petty with close friends? YEAH RIGHT.
i guess its the opposite.
joke of the year man.
how many human witnesses u want? 50 or more?
i can easily get it.

haha care to explain what other plans?
if u mean working, nice want.
try working and tell ur boss,
hey can i dont work this thurs to celebrate a friend's fking birthday?
cool line.


anyway if thats de reason u hate birthdays, esp UR birthday,
grow up man and get a life.
birthdays come every single year, must there be a surprise everytime then?
all surprises would be known-surprises, so irony.
anyway mine was indeed a SURPRISE too.
thanks ANYWAY.
but im gonna say i really appreciate it, even if u dont believe.

arbeite ist gut heute.
haunted II was quite fun.
i love scaring people and watching them squirm.
so sadist xD
1 almost went into fitz man, she was shaking sooooo badly.
god bless.
brought her out, she clutched onto me soooooo hard my shirt almost tore. lol
haha, being a ride operator aint so bad.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

at Escape Theme Park, 360 degrees of fun..

on the 3rd day i was already late, damn..
late for 1min, and half an hour's pay was docked
syazwan was running with me lol, we were late together,
pretty comical haha.

here comes the cold water
warning: explicit content and colorful languages used.
hey u-know-who, im finally dedicating this post to u.
i dont think theres a need for identification, its all crystal clear.

thanks for making me feel like a jerk.
thanks for requesting me to mend my ways and be nicer.
ive been so obliging, that i kept every single promise to u thereafter,
ive even treated u nicer than before.
well, all good things come to an end eh?
ure being such a stuck up person now.

thanks for that accusation and insincere reply,
shed light on how i should view u from now on.
ive even asked a few friends on how i should react,
whether this friendship is worth continuing or wadsoever,
same ans:
end it.
i think i shall do just that,
saves me any further future agonies.

i was taken aback, when u told me that i was being fake,
that i told a group of people whom i dont even say hi or bye
that i hate hanging out with u and whatever gossips uve heard.
use ur common sense man, if i dont want to hang out with u,
i would have spared myself the trouble of asking u to follow me get my contacts.
how smart of u.
furthermore, u insisted that i'd told them AFTER my lit paper, when ive rushed all the way to wait for u at TM, just to end up waiting for u for about half an hour.
i should have better spent that half an hour,
maybe i could use it to say that about u since u desired it so much.
need proof?
ask liangwei.
i should have just gone out with the guys, it will be better in every way.
then when i confronted with u regarding this issue,
u can just shrug it off with
'oh, it's a misunderstanding, then'
can i then stab u with a knife and say
'oh sorry, i did it accidentally?'
different logic, same repercussion.
damage done.
i love that insincerity.

then when u didnt even comfirm a time to go Kbox,
u had to feel sore when i told u that i cant make it on thurs,
cause i MIGHT have work attachments.
well u ignored my reply, when i suggested a change of date.
then after maybe 2hours, i received ur most sincere reply ever,
'nvm loh, cancel loh'
wonderful reply.
then i saw ur private msg,
'a waste of my msgs'
hope its not dedicated to me,
if it is, then have fun,
i really am speechless.

its pretty obvious who it is now eh.
sure u can seek revenge, go whine to anybody u want,
go rebuke in a new post of yours,
stating all my HISTORY,
when ive tried to change my attitude thereafter.
buried the hatchet, tried to re-accept u then well it went down the drain,

dont worry, ive already more people who are more than willing to side me.
i didnt badmouth u, i just asked for opinions,
i asked for suggestions.
this is 1.
if i owe u anything more, just tell me.
please dont start crying and then start cursing me.
ive had enough of u.
those are only 2 of more things that uve done.
dont bother sending another msg asking for reconciliation.
and stop pretending that nothing happened after every single incident.
i hate that pretence.
1 sorry would be nice, but nah,
apologies wont be accepted anymore.
maybe time will heal.


Saturday, November 22, 2008


high bar is the bomb man :)
Im still learning the momentum swinging part, very very irritating.
Coach alex said im using strength, which i shouldnt,
all beginners do..
verdammen es

at least i can now do a roundoff back somersault without assistance (:
very rewarding indeed. shall upload the video next time.
currently going for high bar and roundoff back handspring.
without the 3weeks quarantined week for friggin' O's

my muscle is toooooo tense ugh.
CA gave me a massage.
now my shoulder aches like F, lol
i need to relax my muscles more.
gymnastics gymnastics gymnasticssss



Friday, November 21, 2008


pictures paint a thousand words

Goners Brothers/Wonderboys/Wadeverman

Never-say-die balloon(:


Thats all folks for today, tune in again tomorrow!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

living in singapore sucks.
it's fking hot and humid, so it would be a miracle not to sweat.
the traffic system with so darn many traffic lights are stupid,
when u got past 1 red light, another red lights up in front.
even if you are the only car at midnight stranded in front of a red light,
you gotta wait for it to turn green.
SBS isnt any better,
you either get all ur buses coming together, like three 9s coming in a line,
or no 9s at all for 15mins.
whenever u put the frustrations of an SBS bus with a traffic light,
you shortened your life by half an hour,
and you can finish half your mp3's battery.
ERPs are everywhere,
they suck money from your card.
i reckon ERPs will be set up outside lifts next time,
or even at the entrances of shopping centre,
to prevent overcrowding.
EZlink card is the new cashcard.
prices are rising, ministers' pay are rising,
but workers' pay are cut,
or some even faced retrenchment, see the recent bank issue.
well it's important that our ministers have high pay cheques,
so that they will not be corrupted
and make decisions that might only benefit them instead of the country.
talking about integrity.
love the fireworks at countdowns and new years,
oh those are paid by our taxes.
this is not a really green city,
we dont even have a patch of clear water.
every sea or river you see are brown,
or just strewned with rubbish.
we dont have seasons in singapore, neither do we have big waves here.
we are safe,
but we have no sports worth playing.
surfing? nah, no waves.
skiing? nah, no snow.
we only have table tennis.
yes we have other sports, none of which qualify for olympics.
our silver-medal awardists gets loads of money, yay.
foreign talents rock.
we have singapore idol, project superstar, campus superstar etc,
none of which the winner goes beyond our borders.
our idols faded into daily celebrities in local reality shows.
oh did i talk about fellow mates?
u can have 1000000000000000 people queuing to get 1 freebie worth maybe 2 bucks.
we also have so many fashion parades everyday,
quite interesting i might say,
non-proportional clothings, colorblind people, same punk hair everywhere.
also, teenagers have to be home by 11,
or else they will get mugged by robbers
and chased by polices too,
maybe k9s will be used to detect for the presence of under-18s too.
anyway, we have no natural resources,
we only have people, so they gotta be eager learners.
PSLE and OLevels are just part and parcel of life,
if you screw up there goes your future.
wait wait wait,
before you go for olevels,
remember your attire!
short neat hair for boys, nicely tied up fringe for girls.
or no tapering of pants, skirt gotta be only 2cm above knees too.
its important to give good impressions,
of nerds, geeks, little goody-2-shoes-who-dont-ever-grow-up.
what do you learn from Olevels actually?
phythagoras theorem?
oh yea, it's important, so that you can figure out the distance to swim from this shore to the next,
or even the angle of elevation or depression by using it with sine, cosine or tangent.
differentiation is cool too, you get to find the gradient of an quadratic equation.
next time you think of a curve, think differentiation.
wad is the gradient of our sun?
i learnt typicality too, that each exam paper for each subject is only 1 paper,
1 paper is not representative of our capability as a person.
furthermore, ive learnt how well singapore was developed.
our healthcare needs was so successful,
people without income just cant wait to receive quality healthcare.
but wait, i forgot, they cant afford to,
they have no income, no CPF, no medisave.
medifund is provided, but not enough.
its okie, they can mortage their house.
is it safe to mortage actually?
nah, banks unreliable,
economy downturn, we have other markets to depend on,
lets see if there's any progress.
singapore is such a wonderful place.
i love singapore so much that i cant wait to emigrate.

ps: dont bother retaliating or feeling sore about this post if youre some SG-fanatic. its my perspective, go post your own i-love-singapore post if u want.

i simply love this website.

Pablo: where are you from?
Chris: im from singapore.
Pablo: ?

Friday, November 07, 2008

i found the anti-male discrimination/female-rights thing soooo interesting online.
I am lazy to summarise or wadsoever, just read these if u want..
here and here
this was shocking yet relieving to the male gender though

38.8% of domestic abuse is done by mothers, but only 18.3% is by fathers.
nice ideology that men are bastards eh..

this would be nice:
"The time is ripe for people to think about the unspoken anti-male 'ism' in our colleges and schools," she says. And in the rest of the popular culture as well