Thursday, October 02, 2008

ich bin sehr müde, aber noch.. (:

training today was kinda disastrous. think i got some internal injuries. verdammen es. coach alex said it was muscle memory, that meine muscles were 'forgetful' today.. muscle memories are the reason why athletes train soo damn hard and frequent for, cause it can happen on one fine day, on your most anticipated competition, where your muscles 'feign' ignorance, pretending it was the first day you're training.

ja, the main thing i wanna blog about today is ADULTS vs TEENAGERS.

in some recent spate of debates, some ADULTS complained that TEENAGERS nowadays are irresponsible, wilder, ruder than before. true in a way, cause teenagers tend to be more rebellious. on the contrary, aren't adults supposed to be blamed too? since much of these vice were picked up

just today, typical scene at the bus interchange, where people from all walks of life were rushing to get home, when an old lady, in her late fifties i suppose, pushed her way into a bus, obviously ignoring everybody else who was queuing up. in a nonchalant manner, she just grabbed a seat and sat down. some people were dissed but nobody said anything, perhaps out of respect for elderly. anyway, she was so stylish, and even wore sunglasses.

1 example, perhaps not representative of much, but well there are a few more. (:

first off, CIPs in schools are considered compulsory, reasoned to improve a student's community spirit. patriotism? students are supposed to participate in the CIPs, learn from it, gain experiences, gain insight on community etc etc rather than harp on getting 100 CIP hours. often the school PLANS and ORGANISES the activities, but students sweat it out. how often do you see a principal on the streets trying to sell flags? alternatively, how often do you see office men and ladies trying to sell flags? so does it mean that adults in the working world have too much community spirit? or they are already contributed their part in community by sustaining our economy? hence, need not undergo CIP activities

are teenagers more able-bodied than adults that standing under the blazing sun to sell flags for 3-4 hours is considered nothing? while there might be serious repercussions to get adults to take part in such simple activity? anyway, is there any company so far which can afford to visit an old folks' home, and spreading the joy of working in the society?

secondly, where adults complain about teenagers leaving a mess on the table after eating and leaving their trays etc on Mac tables waiting for cleaners to do the jobs blahblahblah yadaa yadaa yadaa. schools are successful in getting students to clear up their tables after meals, but why not elsewhere? well, reason being adults have already instilled this mindset that 'it's alright to leave your finished food on the tables, it's okie to spit whatever's in your mouth on the tables or plates as long as you don't make it look too disturbing, and tissues can be stuffed under plates, cause the cleaners can do the job. and oh, there's no pails etc to throw the plates in, nah, we HAVE the cleaners. they earn their living serving us,' on modern teenagers, so how's bad is it to follow?

third point, jaywalking is an offence. how many schools have reprimanded students for jaywalking while their teachers jaywalked just outside the school compound? students are bound to follow. how many adults have grabbed their children's hands and dashed across the road simply because the traffic lights' are a good 10metres away? wouldn't their children just adhere?

to add on, remember any events like 'free cone day' where free B&J's icecreams were distributed FOC? i noticed about half the populations being adults 'choping' places for their friends, children etc, numerous office people queuing for 1 tiny cone, and many other adults by the side criticizing teenagers who are queuing for being cheapskate and choping places etc.. not bad eh, when these working adults couldnt squeeze ANY of their worktime to do some services yet have the time to rejoice over their accomplishment of managing to get ONE icecream or survey the crowds (:

teenagers are being moulded by our good role models -- adults. we are simply imitating them, there's nothing wrong with that. Our PM has often advocated on Singapore being a gracious society, im sure that day will come soon.
