Tuesday, May 06, 2008

i dont know why i have this compulsion to blog, though it's the exam period.
i shan't talk about the exams, only 1 sucked so far.
so far so good, still rather appeased with the papers so far.
i feel like reviewing this 1 article i came upon a few days back.
1 about a woman in her late 50s who complained about a mute and deaf male cleaner in the female toilet. she wrote this shocking incident to the the straits time(or newpaper) then lodged a police report just because she saw the male cleaner cleaning the female toilet. she claimed that there was no sign outside the female toilet indicating 'cleaning in process' and further accused the cleaner of not performing his duty simply cuz he didnt possess any tools for cleaning/maintenance at the period of time she was in the toilet. in fact, he was just checking the current condition of the toiletbowls, before doing a thorough fix and did put a sign indicating 'cleaning in process', which mystically disappeared. that was the synopsis anyway. often, i see female cleaners in male toilets, yet no males ever resented, or do they? but nobody ever blew up the matter or lodge a complain. no, not so petty as yet. shouldn't the guys be more mindful about a female cleaner in the toilet, since mostly we use the urinals, thus there would be less privacy. isnt it equivalent to having surveilliance while peeing or just 'providing a free show'? if anybody wishes to use the excuse of gender difference, then isnt it gender discrimination? males and females both deserve privacy, it doesnt mean that 1 deserves lesser, equality in sexes, isnt it? the damn woman is just overly-sensitive man. he's just a mere cleaner, furthermore, he is disabled. she could just be more vigilant. she was inside a cubicle that has a door. she wasnt exposed, stark naked. he neither peek, nor cast a glance at her. she could have just suggested that male cleaners should stick to the original male toilets, and vice versa for female cleaners. it would have made her life more gaily. is there a need to write to the newspapers? or even lodge a police report? did she want the disabled person to get arrested for harrassing her? come on, be more realistic man. and to the woman, you are 50+ man, reflect a little, i'm sure you're wise enough. i betcha the man aint interested in you anyway.
Singaporeans are complaining all for the wrong reasons. we are obsessed with the fact that 'customers are always right.' there is no room for mistakes. adults are overly conservative. even words like 'damn', 'shit', etc are censored, and they are not even close to the word 'fuck'. It's not as if a child will pick up the word as long as he/she heard it once on the radio. With good parental guidance, he/she can pick up the word at a tender age, but learn not to use it. Though it's almost not practical as even a five year old can describe 'sex' as effortlessly as though lifting a finger now, it's still worth a try. i will definitely not lie to my son about the explanation of 'fuck' if he asks, it's a way of life, face it. thanks to globalisation? thats not the point.

look at that. it proves my point. Singapore is definitely picking up, hastening, improving in terms of technology and lifestyle. but i can ascertain that we are backwards in attitudes, being kpo for instance, or my previous points, adamant with the 'customers always right' classy attitudes, conservative, kiasu etc. we should just learn to be gratified man.

anyway i heard some interesting things recently.
men are from earth, women are from earth, deal with it.
what's a synonym for thesaurus?
what's a synonym for synonym?
define definition.

i wanna try the new mcgriddles man, looks yummy. ohwell.

i aint so perfect myself, but cant Singaporeans not be so typical?

that was not an emo post.
'simplicity is the key to life'