Thursday, February 05, 2009

Guten Tag, fans!
ich bin ein Meridian, jetzt Temasekian nix. :D
Hello fans,
i am now a Meridian, no longer a Temasekian.
MJC is nice, really, period.
VERY enthu and people are really nice.
i like de mass dances haha.
initially was a tad disappointed cuz no one's in my class,
ended up making many friends, with no discriminations.
nobody spoke to me in chinese even if i tried to(some said i sounded weird speakin chinese)
lol. yay.
im in MIRANDA(H?) 4, the BLACK house group, with a black horse as symbol.
my hair was caught for colouring twice cuz i cut de hair and de bottom half is black.
NOBODY realised it wasnt light brown, but a darker shade.
i love de bimbo cheer. lol.
orientation was so cool compared to wad id xperienced so far.
i like my class(:
someone else was being a twat tho.. alwaes got me irritated
shall do some quiz cuz havent updated in a while (:
gay is too common a word, changed my fave to cunt

Name: GeraldCE
Birthday: 5th Jan 92
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: Close to 1.8?
Right Handed or Left Handed?: Right
Your Heritage: Check de profile lol
My Worst Habit(s): Biting nails, tad vain, cant stop fidgeting, and simply cant stop destroying furniture in de house ROFLMAO
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Shoe Size: UK8-9
Pant Size: 30-31! OMFG
Parents Still Together?: Duh
Shoes You Wore Today?: Everlast

Your Weakness: too untrusting
Your Fears: murderer behind a door
Your Perfect Pizza: Hawaiian, but spicy a lil
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: To have a gf.. haha.
Your Most Overused Phrase In Instant Messenger: weiß nix.
Your Best Physical Feature: My EYES
Your Bedtime: 12 usually
Your Most Missed Memory: When i was a lil kid

Colours?: BLUE, green
Food? : I eat everything!
Animal? : Dogs, Kangaroos
Ice Cream? : Triple CHOCOLATE, lime sorbet (:
Candy? : Gummies!
Store? : wadever guys clothing stores
Salad Dressing? : nyeh
Actor? : Adam Sandler
Actress? : Jennifer Aniston
Songs? : Changes everytime lol
Letter? : G
Number? : 8(GERRARD, whoo)
Holiday? : i love ALL holidays
Season? : summer and winter
Toothpaste Flavour?: lime mint
Radio Station? : 98.7
Perfume? : dont use them
Scent Besides Perfume?: strawberry gummies
Body Part On The Opposite Sex? : eyes

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? : musician, pilot
How Do You Want To Die? : in my sleep

Let’s walk on the: beach!
What a nice: view.
Where did all the: geese go?
Why can’t we: stay together
Silly, little: goose
Isn’t it weird that: im gay? lmao
Never Under Any Circumstance: would i smoke
I wish: i have many many many many wishes :D
Everyone has their: weaknesses
I am: a boy

Been In love? : uh not really
Mooned Someone? : almost once lol
Been Rejected? : yea sure
Ran Away from home? : thot abt it once
Picture your crush naked? : nyeh, i dont like them for their body
Skipped School? : YES
Thought about Suicide?: nyeh
Slept Outside? : yer
Laughed so hard you cried: yer
Cried in school? : yer
Thrown up in school? : nyeh
Wanted to be a model? : YER lol
Cheated on someone? : almost did :X
Done Something Really stupid that you still laugh at it today?: yer, who doesnt
Seen a dead body?: on TV
Been Bitched Out? : yer
Drank Alcohol? : YER, almost had a hangover prev
Smoked: nyeh
Been on drugs?: nyeh
Eaten Sushi?: yer
Been on Stage? : yer
Gone Skinny Dipping? : yer
Shoplifted? : yer, but didnt realised it till later, considered?
Been Drunk? : yer
Been called a Tease? : yer lol
Been beaten up? : birthday bashes, yer

Swear? : i swear at my comp all de time ROFLMAO
Sing Well? : some said yes, some said no
Shower Daily? twice or more a day
Want to go to College? : yer
Want to get married? : yer duh
Believe in yourself? : yer
Get motion sickness? : not really
Think You’re Attractive? : somewhat
Get along with your parents? : yer
Like thunderstorms? : when im at home
Play an instrument? : piano, electone, guitar, recorder, harmonica, TRIANGLE haha
Own an iPod? : IPOD VIDEO WHOO
Pray: nyeh
Go to Church? : nyeh
Sleep with a Stuffed Animal? : my flat dog and my octi
Keep a Diary/ Journal? : only this blog
Dance in the Rain? : yer
Sing in the shower? : always

Pepsi or Coke? : coke
McDonald’s or BK? : Burger Kings.
Single or Group Dates? : Single
Chocolate or Vanilla? : CHOCOLATE
Strawberries or Blueberries? : Strawberries
Meat or Veggie? : MEAT
TV or Movie? : moviessssxzxzxz
Guitar or Drums? : Drums
Adidas or Nike? : Adidas
Chinese or Mexican? : maxican, de tortillas
Cheerios or Corn Flakes? : cheerios.
Cake or Pie? : CAKE
MTV or VH1? : MTV
Blind or Deaf? : Deaf
Boxers or Briefs? : BOXER BRIEFS.

Do the splits: yer
Write with both hands: yer, just ugly on left
Whistle: yer
Blow a bubble: yer
Roll your tounge in a circle : yer
Cross your eyes : yer, need my hand first though
Walk with your toes curled : yer
Touch your tongue to touch your nose: nyeh
Dance: yer
Eat whatever you want and not worry: all de time lol

You touched: weiß nix lol
You Talked to on the phone: Siti Khai
You Instant Messaged: forgot
You Hugged: forgot too lol
You yelled at: my mama :X
You played a sport with: ALL my classmates

Time you laughed: today
Time you cried: vergass lol
Movie you watched: Evan Almighty on HBO, days ago
Flavour of Gum you chewed: vergass
Joke you told : today
Song you sung: a min ago

Life on other planets: yer
Magic: nyeh
Love at first sight: nyeh, only affection and lust
God: nyeh
Satan: nyeh
Ghosts: nyeh
Santa: used to
Evolution: used to

Fav eye colour: doesnt matter
Fav hair colour: doesnt matter
Short or long hair : DEF LONG
Height: shorter than me
Weight: as long as shes slim enough

1. Who's the person that tagged you?
- Ahmed Khalil Khan

2. Relationship between you and him?

3. Three impressions of him?
- noisy, playful, unrestrainable

4. If he becomes your enemy, you will?
- ignore

5. What will you say to the person you like very much?
- i like you lol

6. Characteristic I like about myself?
- compassionate

7. Characteristic I hate about myself?
- very untrusting

8. For the person whom you hate, you say?
- i wont bother talking to him

9. What do people feel about you?
- friendly

10. Your crush? - none at de moment

11. 10 people:

1. AKK
2. Muhd
3. LW
4. Jane
5. Siti
6. Justin
7. Kelvin
8. Jiaen
9. Zoa
10. Lynn

12. If 5 and 7 were together?

13. Who does 5 like?
- think nobody at de moment

14. What colur does 9 like?
- PINK? shes so girly girl type

15. Say something bout 8?
- my china trip friend, who still bothers me about some subway cookies lol.

16. Who is 2?
- one of my closest friend ever

17. Talk about 3.
- Liangwei is de crappiest person ive ever met, but a really good friend

18. Who is 10's best friend?
- no9

19. Who's the sexiest among all 10?
- im sexier than all of em

20. What colour does 4 like?
- green?

21. Is 4 single?

22. Your relationship with 1?
- my gay partner

23. Are 5 and 6 best friend?
- nyeh

24. 9's surname?
- CHAN bimbo

25. 7's nickname?
- Jiaobin, vin

26. Say something to 8.

27. Say something to help 9.
- nth to say, shes beyond help lol

28. Who do I admire?
- each of them has sthg i admire

29. Where does 1 live?
- PASIR ris

30. 10 of them know who you like?
- nyeh, dont even have any

31. Say something to 6 when you see him.
- yo cunt

32. 10's spouse?
- David Archuleta