Wednesday, December 31, 2008


My 2008
My year in 2008 has been rather fruitful so far.
in school, at home, physically, mentally, spiritually etc.
it will also put an end to my secondary school education.
ive learnt so many things that one cant purchase with cash.

ive learnt responsibility, as the president of CMs this year,
though i may not demonstrate to my fullest capability.
ive tried to live up to the reputation, although ive failed somehow.
nevertheless, i dont feel like a failure, but glad that i at least gave my shot at it.
im thankful for all the help ive received, from fellow peers(my other CMs), seniors(pei rong etc), and of course Mr Sara, and perhaps some others who contributed along the way as well.
academically wise, not much, just the usual things u gotta do at school, but im also grateful to
all my teachers who believed i can and i will. Mr Toh, Mrs Ang, Mrs Tan, Ms Woon, Mr Yeo etc..

Friends too, like at least now im clear of who my best mates are, how ive to react and act
to be a good friend too. So many of u i cant name all, but im sure u know who u are, those that
left an impact in my life, a footstep. thanks for accompanying me thru bad times and savouring the good times. love the shopping and outings with justin, kelvin etc, the joggings and soccer matches with the guys, the slackin times with Jane etc, the DDR sessions with jamie, the comical CM meetings with my CMs junhao, yuansong, mervyn, jy and de juniors, crazy times like that swimming at PY's bday party with fadhil, ahmed, ... the advisor guanhong, not forgettin my 2 best lame mates since sec1 muhd and lw too, whom i hang out with most, talked cock with most, played soccer with most, went lepak-ed with most etcccccc and all the really siao things that we did, esp the stupid 3-5consecutive days at airports 'studying'.. thats not all, all the other friends too, sorry uh, not possible to state every single person. well, ive finally learnto let go, of certain people. someone who everybody just persuaded me to cut off all contacts with.

ive also learnt to be a better brother, and maybe, a better son.
like the controlling of my materialistic nature. material goods are not everything.
also that 2 dreams who served as a wake up call.

ive also got my job at escape this year, and that made my year even more fulfilling.
made me gain some insights of how tough juggling jobs are. the friends ive made there are also really nice, and we are able to share our joys and woes of working, and other aspects of our life. also lynn and zoa esp, for our mahjong sessions lol.

furthermore, ive entered electone finals with some newly-made friends this year. really fun people and we even went kbox etc together. the effort and time spent for our Lian Ai-ING is simply priceless. also, we really appreciate the help of our teacher Ms Chua who spent sooooooooooooo much time thinkin of how to help us improve and providing all other treats, and the other group, the TEENS, who look upon us as friends instead of competitors. i didnt forget 1 girl, jacey, for shopping with me at bugis twice haha. i rmb the watermelons, mr noisy shirt and all other trivial things too.

i think ive matured(duh!) and became vain-er than before. also, i started learning guitar and gymnastics, stopped wushu became a little more hardworking. POCO only, meaning little in spanish. also, i spent money like nobody's business this year and became poorer. haha. kinda typical though.

i hope my new year will be as fruitful(or more) as this year, with more new friends and opportunities. also hope that i can stay in contact with as many people as possible. my resolution however, is to spend less money (:

i cant believe i wrote so much lol, not like anybody will bother reading anyway.
bet this is the only thing that all will notice.
HAPPY NEW YEAR soon everybody.
hopefully all can succeed in de new year and soarrrr.

auf wiedersehen!