Tuesday, July 29, 2008

hello everybody, i'm chromosome W in my owner, Gerald's body.
call me watt.
i'm here on my own accord, dont ask me how.
i must have undergone some mutation while i was still a toddler.
i seemed to have been influenced westernly or arabic-ally.
i've caused much misunderstandings, cuz' only people who know my owner long enough can differentiate his nationality, although he is 100% pure chinese and have descended from a long history of chinese ancestors, they didnt seem to have passed on any/much oriental traits to him.
just a while ago, the malay vendor mistook him for a malay and spoke malay to him.
his co-form chinese teacher also mistook him for a malay when he first spoke to him.
3 days back, while attending a lesson, the teacher asked whether he was mixed. being frolicksome, he said he was a mixed of a dutch and chinese. the teacher fell for it.
a few friends thot that he was ABC(american-born-chinese).
out of the many nationalities, people also assumed he's hispanic, japanese, mexican, etc..
however gerald seemed to enjoy it, weirdo.
i hope his offsprings turn out alright next time.
till then.
hello everybody i'm gerald's left hand, call doe.
i've decided to do my owner a favour by replying to all his unanswered tags.
from 9july onwards.
zhiyi<3 style="font-weight: bold;">hello, yeah nobody's perfect. ive started anew haha, or maybe i did. TXFB has a bad ending~ that chang guy didnt marry a fatass
seems too late to reply this tag but i will do it anyway. take him to US then(:
what to do? we live in SG. what's UGUAY?
i give you permission to plagiarise, wahaha. do what?
what theory? i can give u permission to plagiarise too. u dont need to credit me unless there's prizes (: & im honest, sure.
is it surprising that i read the papers? aww.
Junyee!<3>it's nice, you gotta be more appreciative, like me *ahem*
i didnt cry, so it's not sad wahahha. but it's quite touching
headless ghost
why headless ghost uh? and yeah alfred shouldnt die, i rather de chang guy die wahahaha.

'it's not what you are, but what you do, that defines you as a person'

Monday, July 21, 2008

I seemed to be glued to the TV today. interestingly, i just watched a HK movie titled Moments of Love. hahaha. so that shall be the topic of the day.


There are 5 kinda love complications in the movie, akin to reality actually.

1)Guy A was a damned kinda guy; not rich, cant sustain jobs, and even his relationship ended bitterly. He had this girlfriend, a, whom he loved dearly. He once proposed to her, and she accepted on 1 condition, if he can throw a brick down a high-rised building without hurting anybody. The first brick he picked up had a break-up letter underneath it, they read the note, which was flawless and very 'literature'. girl a then changed the condition to finding this pair of couple, with only a very vague clue of 'moonlight' from some window.

Tragedy struck when girl a ran down the staircase playfully, expecting guy A to chase after her. She was knocked down by a truck, leaving guy A bonkers. He frantically searched for the couples, while hallucinating that she was still around, and finally found them. Both of them are in an aged home, but the male(Peter) had passed away. The female lived in denial, and continued to read to 'him'. The nurse left her alone as it wouldnt serve any help to her current plight by constantly reminding her that Peter's dead. She's left all alone too, with no family support or anything. guy A witnessed the situation, and related it to his. he understood that she threw the break-up letter away just so she that she dont have to face the music: Peter's dead.

Guy A ended up missing girl a even more, and went up to the rooftop, throwing bricks down, reminiscing the times with girl a, and how he had witnessed her death. the story ended with him being caught by the police for endangering passers-by's lives.

2)Another part is where girl b left guy B for making her suffer verbal abuse throughout their relationship. unable to withstand anymore, she left him one day. feeling remorseful, guy B ventured into business, setting up a 'venting' shop, where people would be able to verbally abuse him freely, clearing their emotions. of course, he charges them for it. guy B even went to the extreme once, allowing one customer to wallop the hell outta him. guy B landed in hospital.

gal b visited guy B reluctantly. guy B asked for a patch, without success initially. he then explained to her about the business, that he wanted to experience what she went through being with him in the past. he wanted to feel the misery, how it was like to be at the losing end, to allow people to elate, while redeeming himself at the same time. the extreme of letting himself beaten is to actually prove his sincerity, and end his sorrow once and for all. touched by his sincerity, they got back together.

3)This story is about how it's impossible for a student to get into a relationship with his/her teacher. the story just ends up with the student getting hurt. self-explantory.

4)The story of how 3 words, 'i love you', can make so much difference. Guy C and gal c are fond of each other, but neither would admit. guy C made much sacrifices for gal c, all ended in vain as both of them were too adamant, too stubborn, too hard of a nutcase to crack, to just say the 3 words. guy C ended up getting retrenched for covering up for gal c in some survey job. gal c wanted to apologize, but realised that she doesnt have his number. she missed him, but couldnt do anything about it.

a year later, he found a job as the general manager of the same company, thru his capabilities. this time, they met again, and the guy finally said the 3 words. gal c didnt think that she deserves this, but what-the-hell, they ended up together anyway.

5)The last story is about feeling happy for your loved ones, even if u know ure not gonna be with him/her etc.. i feel too lazy to elaborate~

anyway, brings me back to my point, relationships are sophisticated, but can be nice in a way. i sympathize guy A most though, cause u cant resurrect a dead person. sometimes life's really a bitch, and we gotta grit thru it and deal with it. i wanted to blog more, but feels realllllly lazy all of a sudden.

Prison's break getting interesting, so's Tang Xin Feng Bao. Friend's aint bad too :D
imma couch potato now. man.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Apologies
This is going to be the most honest post i've ever made. Note, it's honest, not emo.
Someone made me realised that i've been a jerk since the long pants era. i have neither been a good friend; a good student; nor a good person. kinda sad actually, ive actually neglected so much, and had taken so much for granted.

Sorry family,
for being an inconsiderate brother.
for the anger/tears i'd caused
for how much trouble i'd caused.
for the insults hurled.

Sorry friends,
for being less tolerant nowadays.
for not being a good 'confide-r'.
for being too temperamental.
for not listening to advices.
for the anger provoked.
for taking you guys for granted as and when i please.
for venting out on you guys.
for not being there when im supposed to be.
for neglecting.

Sorry class,
for not being a good CM.
for not being responsible.
for not being a good role model.
for not performing my duties as efficiently as im supposed to be.
for the noise/disruptions caused.

Sorry all others,
for being overly-judgmental.
for not performing up to my standards.

Those enlightening words will be etched deep in my heart. thanks, you know who(:
I will try to be a better person, a Mr.Nice if possible.

The Kiterunner
Khaled Hosseini
Riverhead Books

Amir tells us about the unique relationship he has with Hassan, a Hazara boy who is the victim of discrimination, but ironically is the half-brother of Amir, a Pashtun. Amir is overwhelmed with guilt when he allows Hassan to be beaten and raped on the day Amir wins the kite flying tournament. He lies to have Hassan accused of theft so he will leave their home and Amir can try to forget his guilt. Eventually, Amir and his father flee Afghanistan after the Russians invade and Amir takes his tragic memories to America to start a new life.

Unfortunately, his debt to Hassan must be paid and he returns to his country to find Hassan’s orphaned son and rescue him. There, he discovers that Sohrab has become the sexual plaything of Assef, the bully who had tormented both Amir and Hassan when they were young. Ultimately, Amir must defeat Assef in a raging physical battle, take the damaged Sohrab out of Afghanistan and try to help him repair his spirit.


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i will leave the review/comments for another day, stay tune!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

i think Dave Teo's sentence of 9.5 years and 18strokes of cane is too severe. In case u dont have already heard of it, here's the news. here too. the worst thing is after he's out of jail, he is to be tried in a military court too.

btw, he suffered a really pathetic life: his mum abused him: hurled chairs and caned him for no particular reason and finally abandoned him while he was 9; dad was a frequent visitor to jail; was a dropout by sec3; had a brother who died after meeting with a mishap on the road when he was 14; broke up with his dearest girlfriend after 3 years of courtship & sank into depression; had a grandma which died due to liver cancer just the previous year..

yes, an assault rifle is life-threatening, by the time something happen, it will be too late. he deserves punishment for that, but 18 strokes of cane + 9.5years in jail, isnt that too severe? despite his really tough life? i think he ought to be sent for counselling instead, his problem doesnt lie in him being deliberately foolish, but was due to the series of unfortunate events that had befallen him that traumatized him. it's all in his mindset; mentality. it's a pity really.

though it isn't the time to point fingers, i feel that the parents should be partially responsible for this. I feel that the girlfriend shouldnt be blamed cuz breakups are inevitable. if all breakups lead to similar cases, wont there be riots all around the world everyday? On the other hand, parents should be responsible for their children's well-being, after all, they are the ones who bring their child into this world. I seriously sympathize and empathize Dave, nobody should be given such a hard life. nobody.

it just comes with a conclusion huh, 'life ain't fair' we should all be delighted that we're blessed with such good lives.

to other emo people:
bad results, breakups, emo business, whatever minor problem you have, stop flaunting it and being a stuckup and pretending your life sucks. get a life man. people are having a harder time out there.

'Never appreciated what we had. They don't have, half the things that we know have. I've been there, turns out we kinda had it alright. The grass is no greener on the other side.'

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I heard that jogging backwards instead can help u lose 25% more calories(:
go try it, on a treadmill or something.

ps.Memory work sucksX999999999999999999999999

Ahmed: what kinda people? my kind who spill water? haha
KhoonHwa: haha, dont worry uh. happiness finds me easily
Sabina: i wanna find the song man, so friggin cool(: cant empty my mind, later i die.